Book Coaching Testimonials

Kim Thai portrait

Kim Thai

Writer, social justice advocate & educator

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It was her coaching and belief in me that propelled me to not just believe I was a writer, but that I had a story worth telling.

“I came to Lisa in 2020 in a frenzy, worried that the world was ending and that I wouldn’t be able to get my family story out into the world. Through her coaching and through the incredibly nourishing and supportive Narrative Community she has built, I went from not having published anything memoir-related to getting bylines in Newsweek, New York Magazine’s The Cut and Buzzfeed. It was her coaching and belief in me that propelled me to not just believe I was a writer, but that I had a story worth telling. And for that, I will be forever grateful.” 

Carla Zanoni

Carla Zanoni

Media Consultant & Journalist, formerly of TED and The Wall Street Journal

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My understanding from published authors who have been through this process in the past is that finding this blend for humanity and business savvy is beyond rare, it just doesn’t exist elsewhere.

“When I solicited my network for help writing my memoir, I asked if anyone knew someone who could guide me through the process of deeply emotional work with empathy and the ability to crack a whip at times. Lisa Weinert has done this and more, always with a sense of humor and deep knowledge of what it takes to put together a project of this magnitude. She also taught me there would be no need for whip cracking. Additionally, her expertise and understanding of the fast-changing publishing industry is invaluable when navigating options for publishing. My understanding from published authors who have been through this process in the past is that finding this blend for humanity and business savvy is beyond rare, it just doesn’t exist elsewhere.” 

Shelly Tygielski

Shelly Tygielski

Author & self care activist, creator of Pandemic of Love

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Lisa is a powerful yet gentle word doula - she helped me birth my stories and give a voice to my truth.

“Lisa is a powerful yet gentle word doula – she helped me birth my stories and give a voice to my truth. I am indebted to her and her magical abilities to make a writer out of all of us.” 

Ethan Nicthern, author of The Road Home

Ethan Nicthern

Buddhist teacher & Author of The Road Home

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Working with her has been a dream and an honor.

“Lisa’s genius is her multifaceted approach to representing the voice and work of her authors and artists.She not only sees where you are, she sees where you could go, and how you could benefit many other people in the process. Most importantly, she sees who you are, which is the key to any relationship like this. Working with her has been a dream and an honor.” 

Susan Mcpherson Portrait

Susan McPherson

Author, Speaker & CEO

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I’m eternally grateful for the experience and can’t wait to do it again.

“Lisa’s skill, grace and guidance provided me all the necessary support and competence to develop the thesis for my book and create a winning book proposal. I’m eternally grateful for the experience and can’t wait to do it again.” 

Brooke Taylor Portrait

Brooke Taylor

Coach & Author

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This book is more than just that; it's my message and my life's work. Lisa saw the power of my message and helped bring it to life.

“Throughout the evolution of my book idea, to proposal, to book deal, to manuscript, Lisa has been an invaluable guide and coach. This book is more than just that; it’s my message and my life’s work. Lisa saw the power of my message and helped bring it to life. As both a business owner and a first-time writer, I needed practical guidance, narrative support, and moral support, of which I found all in Lisa. She’s strategic and soulful and my book is by far in better shape because it’s touched Lisa’s capable mind and hands. I highly recommend working with Lisa to bring your book to life!​” 

Laura Khoudari

Laura Khoudari

Wellness Practitioner & Speaker, Author of Lifting Heavy Things

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Lisa guided me through the process, helped me navigate a new-to-me industry, and gave me tools that helped me become a better writer!

“When I started working with Lisa I had confidence in my idea, faith in my capacity to write a book, but no idea how to take on such an undertaking. Lisa guided me through the process, helped me navigate a new-to-me industry, and gave me tools that helped me become a better writer! She is a gifted coach who empowers writers to pursue and achieve their writing goals and makes space for them to dream even bigger and keep going.” 

Chip Sullivan and Elizabeth Boults

Chip Sullivan and Elizabeth Boults

Artists, Teachers, Mentors, & Authors of Wisdom of Place

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We could not have achieved our goals without her support, her generosity of spirit, and her positive energy.

“Working with Lisa to bring our book project into being was truly a marvelous and illuminating experience. Her knowledge of the world of publishing and her experience as a writer truly elevated our vision and contributed greatly to the integrity of our proposal. She challenged us to dig deep into our intentions and clarify our message. She shared insights and resources, and provided us with thoughtful prompts to successfully guide us through the process. We could not have achieved our goals without her support, her generosity of spirit, and her positive energy.” 

Lalita Kholsa portrait

Lalita Khosla

Author & Advocate for Moms

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I get more accomplished in a single coaching session with Lisa, than I have in years of working on my own. She is a writer's champion, both on and off the page.

“Lisa is the best book doula any writer could ask for. With loving kindness and profound expertise, Lisa helped me tease out the tendrils of my story and weave them into a richly well thought out tapestry. I’d been working on my project for years alone creating good material but getting lost in the weeds time and time again. Thanks to Lisa, I’m going to have an excellently crafted book proposal in three months. I’m meeting my deadlines and getting it done….finally. Lisa is a visionary, empowering editor who works with positive feedback only to help you create, edit, publish and publicize your work. Her holistic approach infuses writing with somatic practices that actually make the process soothing, fun and revelatory. I get more accomplished in a single coaching session with Lisa, than I have in years of working on my own. She is a writer’s champion, both on and off the page. We are so lucky to have her!” 

Judith Hannan, author of The Write Prescription

Judith Hannan

Teacher, Speaker, & Author of The Write Prescription

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Lisa cares deeply about literature and how it can inspire and transform.

“I have had the privilege of working with Lisa for five years. Lisa cares deeply about literature and how it can inspire and transform. Publisher and publicist are only surface titles. Lisa is self-made and determined to explore and expand the literary landscape. She is a creator, innovator, lifelong learner, my teacher, and my ‘younger mother.’ She has brought out the best in me as a writer and as a leader.” 

Mary Lee Kortes

Mary Lee Kortes

musician & author

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Her belief in me helped me get from a long unfinished novel to a completed first draft, and now to its final stages.

“Lisa’s dedication to supporting writers is a transformative thing to experience. It’s a unique support, characterized by a profound and wide-ranging intelligence that encompasses the spiritual, psychological, artistic and business aspects of creating. I have never felt so nurtured and nourished as a writer than in my work with Lisa. Her belief in me helped me get from a long unfinished novel to a completed first draft, and now to its final stages. I consider myself very fortunate to be in her sphere.” 

Dan Cayer

Dan Cayer

Mindfulness Teacher & Author of Upcoming book, Don’t Get Better

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Her expertise, sensitivity, and unflagging encouragement are what I needed to grow.

“Our work together was crucial in bolstering my skills and confidence. My work with Lisa, and her skill at helping our authentic voice, has changed the way my writing sounds and the doors that it can open. Her expertise, sensitivity, and unflagging encouragement are what I needed to grow.” 

Meet Lisa

Lisa Weinert is passionate about the power of storytelling to heal and transform lives. She has worked with dozens of award-winning and bestselling authors and organizations as an editor, publicist, and literary coach, including Don Katz, Susan McPherson, Dr. Andrew Weil, and Tavis Smiley alongside her publishing career, she has been a committed yoga student and teacher, with specialties in restorative, therapeutic and trauma-informed yoga. Her career trajectory includes a decades-long career at Random House and faculty positions at Wesleyan University, The Author’s Guild, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health and Omega Institute for Holistic Studies. 

Lisa Weinert

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