Narrative Healing

Awaken the Stories Within

Live Writing Classes & Community
Play Video about Narrative Healing Studio: Live classes & community that start with the body.
Discover the power of your story.

Does this sound familiar?

You’ve wanted to tell your story for years but don’t know where to start.
You hit writing blocks and can’t find a way through.
Your creative life always takes a backseat to other responsibilities. 

Yet, you have a burning desire to share your story and crave a supportive, literary community.

Welcome to Our Membership

Whether you’re new to writing or a seasoned writer seeking inspiration, accountability, and a supportive writing community, The Narrative Healing Studio is your writing sanctuary. Our weekly live class or writing “Labs” hones your craft, fosters personal practice, and builds a supportive community, like a yoga class for writers. 

Reach Writing Goals

Supportive Writing Community

Creative Accountability

Builds Resilience & Joy

Builds Confidence

Emotional Wellbeing & Stress Reduction

Lisa Wienert Portrait

Meet Your Teacher

Lisa Weinert (RYT) is the founder, and author of NARRATIVE HEALING, a mindfulness approach to storytelling. She is a mindfulness-based book coach for entrepreneurs, leaders and memoir writers. She has taught and lectured on the power of storytelling at institutions such as Wesleyan University, Fortune 500 media companies and Omega Institute for Holistic Studies. Learn more about Lisa. 

Lisa Weinert Teaching
Lisa Weinert Writing

How This Is Different Than Other Writing Programs

A mind-body approach
“My writing process has been transformed! Lisa Weinert’s Narrative Healing is the potent creative medicine that we all need."
Elizabeth Keenan, Narrative Healing Student

Explore Our Memberships

The Studio Membership

Our live classes or writing “Labs” are infused with a trauma-informed approach, and blend somatic and contemplative practices and creative prompts to bring you into the present moment with the story you yearn to tell. Like a weekly yoga class, the benefits grow exponentially as you show up week in and week out. Join us live or practice at your own pace. 

So you can practice at your own pace anytime you like, membership includes weekly replays and access to our entire library of classes. We’ll also share relevant readings, resources, and other materials to support your writing practice. 

Learn how mindful movement and somatic exercises can ignite your creative power and help heal trauma. We believe our stories live in our bodies, and we incorporate accessible mindfulness practices into every “Labs” class.  

Providing a supportive environment is our top priority, which is why we offer a private community for our members that fosters accountability, sharing of ideas, and inspiration. Our community is off-algorithm and governed by co-created community values that are continually evolving to best serve our group. 

Lisa is available to connect within our community too! Ask her questions as they come up.

We offer Listening Circles, Online courses with Omega, and in-person retreats and workshops throughout the year. As a member, you will be the first to know, and whenever possible we’ll offer discounts on ticket prices. 

Narrative Healing Studio Screens

Exclusive Alumni Memberships

The Salon

Exclusive access with monthly expert talks, private community, and office hours with Lisa.

Listening Circles

Intimate monthly writing workshops led by Lisa for giving and receiving feedback. Learn more.

Join us Anywhere,
Everyone Is Welcome

No writing or movement experience required! All you need is a desire to write and writing technology. Join us live or choose from our on-demand library of classes to tap into the power of your stories within.   


Fridays at noon Eastern, replays sent out on Sundays at 11AM. Or join on demand whenever you like from your desktop, phone, TV, or tablet. 

Narrative Healing Studio Membership

Choose a Plan


$ 29
  • List Item #3


$ 290
  • List Item #3
Best Value

Exclusive Alumni Memberships and featured workshops additional cost.

This groundbreaking program shifts our perspective on healing and enables us to progress toward a path of complete well-being and show up as our best selves. At a time when our culture is deeply divided and suffering from complex trauma, Narrative Healing is a program for connection for everybody.
— Jamie Wilson
Bestselling Author of Young, Gifted and Black
Through her connective breath work, meditative movements, and imaginative prompts, my writing process has been transformed. I feel renewed inspiration and motivation and I can’t recommend this healing practice and Lisa’s guidance highly enough to writers and non-writers alike.
— Elizabeth Keenan, E, of E.G. Scott
The mind-body practices in a group setting restore a sense of community in what could otherwise be a very isolating time. I'm very grateful for the regular opportunity for centering, connection, and creative self expression through writing with Lisa each week
— Jillian Fiore
Lisa, you unleashed my dormant creative writer since joining your narrative healing lab!!! I had a children's story pour out of me just a week later, and I've been writing every day since.
— Ashley Singh
I really love this community. I have always been a writer but I have seen the quality of my writing change since I began the narrative healing labs. I am grateful for this experience, for the groups of women, and for you. Thank you.
— Millie Jackson
Your labs are so nourishing and healing for me. I am generating a lot of creativity and tapping into some stories that have been locked away. I appreciate you very much!
— Kate Quigley

Featured Workshops

We offer workshops to build on the core Narrative Healing membership. 

Listening Circles

This is workshop series is designed for serious writers looking to share works in progress. Our offering is based on the premise that we grow on what’s working and from positive feedback. This is the place to share work, give and receive positive feedback, and cultivate compassionate listening. Next cohort begins in May. 

Hybrid Online Course with Omega

This 7-week hybrid online workshop is the official online companion to my book and is created in collaboration with Omega Institute. It offers 12 hours of self-paced learning along with a weekly live session and includes interviews with expert teachers and healers. Next Cohort begins Fall 2024. Please sign up to learn when cohorts open for registration. 


& Resources

We are committed to creating a nourishing, safe, and inspiring place to unlock the power of your voice among a vibrant community of writers. No prior writing or movement experience required. Please self pace and self adjust. Visit our community resources page for more resources and information about writing and trauma. 

When do you meet?

We meet live on Zoom on Fridays at noon Eastern. 

What else is included in membership?

Membership includes weekly live class, and a replay and practice to your inbox on Sundays, as well as a private community. You will also get a first look at upcoming offerings and discounts whenever possible.

How long is each class?

Forty-five minutes. 

Is it live?


Is there a replay?

Yes, you will receive a replay and practice delivered to your inbox on Sundays at 11 AM. 

Can I arrive late?

You can arrive up to ten minutes late, after that you won’t be admitted to avoid disrupting other people. 

Will there be an opportunity to share work?

No, Labs is devoted to supporting your personal practice in community. If you would like to share work, please check out our Listening Circles

Do you need yoga or meditation experience?

No experience is required, and all are welcome! We will do our best to offer modifications and options with all of our exercises. 

What happens if you don’t like the prompt?

Skip it! There is no benefit to pushing through, you can always write about why you don’t like the prompt or anything else you like. This time is for you. 

How does this type of writing help heal trauma and decrease depression and anxiety?

Narrative Healing is a trauma-informed approach to writing, and studies show this type of writing helps heal trauma and decrease depression, anxiety, and stress. We always recommend working with a trained trauma therapist. If you are working with trauma, check out our community resources to learn more. Listen to your body, and be gentle. 

Have more questions?

Shoot us a note, we’re here to support you! 

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